- You will read three or four articles If you get four one of them will not be graded
- 9 to 10 question per article ( usually 10 )
- 54min ( 3 article ) on 72 min ( 4 article)
- You can be go backward and forward between question and article
Common topics
- Environmental Science.
- Plant Biology
- History and sociology
- Biology and Zoology
- Psychology and Learning
- Climatology
- Geology
About the Question
- Factual information ( 1-3 per articles )
- Negative Factual information ( 1-2 )
- Vocabulary (1- 3 )
- Rhetonical Purpose (0-2 ) (less common )
- Sentence Simplification (0-1) (less common}
- Inference (0-1 )
- Reference (0-1)
- Insert a sentence(1)
- Summary ( 1 ) = 2 points
- Fill in a table ( 0-1 ) = 3 points
Basic timing
Read the article Quickly
- Spend about two minute reading each article
- This give you 136 per question. (don't memorize timing)
- Spend less than a min in vocab question and less than 2 min on everything else
The phrasing
- According to paragraph 2 , which of the following is true about X ?
- Paragraph 3 mentions which of the following about X ?
Focus on the first sentence of each paragraph and last sentence of passage
Main idea usually occurs of beginning of a reading passage . Look of the first two sentence of the passage
Read the passage close attention to the underlined words. Try to understand their meaning without using dictionary
Tips to Answer
Tip 1 Remember the question location
- Paragraph number is mention in the question .
- Question comes in sequential order.
- Find answers faster by focusing on the location of the previous answers
Tip # 2 - Be aware of modifier
Modifier are adjectives of adverbs
Popular modifier
(a) Extreme modifier :- all, always, never only (0 to 100 )
(b)Frequency modifier :-usually . sometimes, almost always
Sentence with Extreme modifier , choices are incorrect. Avoid choices that use extreme modifiers. In academic things are hardly ever contain all the time .
(c)Degree modifier :- some, most , almost all
(d) time modifier :-dozen century, millenium .
Changing the modifier is an easy and popular way to make an incorrect choices.
Tip#3 Narrow your focus and limit your Keywords
Kevwords provide the valuable information in a given statement. They usually consist of noun verbs and adjective.
Why study keywords ?
- Read the question faster.
- Find information in the passage faster
- Trigger action reading strategies
- Become a more efficient test token
Tip #4:-
Eliminate before you answer
Tip #5 :-
- time management ,
- Practise with the same test more than once
Tip #7
- Explain your answer .
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